Thursday, August 30, 2007

Wiki Wiki

A wiki can be used for many different purposes. It is beneficial because it provides a means of disseminating useful information to a large group of people who might not have otherwise had access to it. Many computer users today like the idea of being part of a large, collaborative effort where many are involved. The larger volume makes the wiki better for them. You do need to be careful, however, because the information provided may not always be completely accurate. When you accessed the wiki last and when it was last updated by someone with correct information are crucial to your ability to make use of the wiki. I really do believe that a wiki is most useful when used by a group of people who have a single purpose. Wikis make perfect sense for use by conventions, book discussion groups, community information and so on where the group has a single purpose and all who are involved have a vested interest in seeing that the information provided is accurate. The wiki will then benefit all who contribute and all who take advantage of the information provided. The wiki users are less likely to be dealing with any element who might want to vandalize the site.
I find the idea of using a wiki to provide community information very desirable. The wiki can be updated with local information by anyone involved (e.g. meeting organizers, teachers, coaches, etc.)where it can be viewed by those who will need the information. Libraries could use wikis for this purpose as well so that the public could be made more aware of library programs, etc. available to them. A wiki centered around a purpose or topic seems to be a very good source of information.

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