Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Web/Library 2.0

When I read the article "A Temporary Place In Time", I agreed that the library needs to keep pace with the many changes in our society to be able to stay in touch with our patrons on various levels. This article scared me a bit, however, because it went so far out into the field of technology that it seemed books may become obsolete and only computer renditions of books would eventually be available. This was in sharp contrast to the article "Away From Icebergs" which also made the reader aware that change is good and necessary if we want to keep pace with the progression of our patrons. This article approached the possibilities of how we might change in what I considered a more cautious and realistic manner. Changes in how we exist and prosper are happening everyday. The ever-changing world of technology plays a very important part in what we do. This article, however, makes me hopeful that the technological improvements don't have to develop way beyond our abilities and leave us behind.

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