Monday, August 27, 2007

Lifelong Learning

"Lifelong Learning" makes sense. Everyone could take advantage of the steps suggested in the tutorial. It's really a very simple process to put into use. A goal of mine would be to learn more about the technology that is available to the library patrons. I need a general knowledge of technology, not a detail-oriented one. The best way for me to accomplish this is to schedule the time for me to do my "23 Things" rather than keep putting it off until later. One of the toolbox items I will need is access to Flickr. My best resources are the staff with whom I work. My targets will be the 23 steps and the final completion date of 9/30/07, so I'll have time for corrections if they are needed. I will be updating my blog as I go through the 23 steps. My signature for this process will basically be the electronic posting to my tracking sheet. I think I'm now ready to continue.

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